This project was initiated by Kili Heroes Adventures and Safari Heroes Adventures for the sake and in the spirit of supporting Kilimanjaro Childlight Foundation (KCF), a Non Governmental Organization helping vulnerable and disadvantaged children living and studying in hard and difficult conditions through tourism. The initiative was taken following bitter and heart-touching realities that thousands of vulnerable and disadvantaged children including disabled children and young people with special needs and requirements desperately need a help to reach their potential and strive for their rights for education and independence that others take for granted. The key to reach their education and hence their full-fledged independence is you getting out, having fun while helping and so in taking part in our program of trekking and safaris for charity.
This project offers different and unique opportunities to different people of different ages and backgrounds to visit National Parks and or climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and Meru at cheaper and affordable prices reserving thus a chance to help these children in one or another way as a thanking gestand recognition for the quality but cheaper safaris and trekking.
A number of activities are hereby proposed before and or after the safari and trekking:
- Volunteering at the children center teaching children;
- Volunteering teaching sports and games at the Children Center;
- Volunteering in painting, nurturing and planting trees and flours;
- Volunteering to fundraise funds to support Kilimanjaro Childlight Foundation (KCF);
- Volunteering to contribute funds for children sponsorship and other acute needs. Any contributed amount will be receipted and used for the purpose it was intended to by the donors. Moreover, written and pictorial progressive reports will be steadily provided to the donors and sponsors.
But over and above all, most and foremost, it is worthy to note that the money that you raise will make a real difference in helping us to continue fulfilling our aim of creating independence, providing opportunities and offering support to vulnerable and disadvantaged children including disabled young people and their families when they need it, for as long as they need it. In short, you will be making a worthy contribution in changing life for these vulnerable and disadvantaged children.
We indubitably believe that going above and beyond and an extra mile to make a difference to the life of another and fulfilling a lifetime goal are things that everyone should have the opportunity to do at least once in a life time.
Challenge events for charity enable your fundraisers to feel a sense of exhilaration, achievement, fulfilment and to even gain a fresh perspective on life. We are here to guide you deliver to the neediest, so in turn your charity can support more people, projects and causes each year from funds raised through challenge events; while at the same time, we help you make a memorable and life-time experience of visiting National Parks and or climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and or Meru.
We are a Non-Profit Organization with fundraising to help vulnerable and disadvantaged children at our heart.
Made up of people who love the outdoors, our mission is to create adventure challenges that enable people to achieve their ambitions – be that getting fit, pushing their boundaries or doing something incredible to enable them change the lives of others through fundraising and adventure challenges through Trekking and Safaris for Charity .
Discover who is Kilimanjaro Childlight Foundation (KCF)
To the best of our knowledge and experience, the KCF Crew under Kilimanjaro Heroes Adventures, plays a tremendous part in turning trekkingand Safaris participants into Heroes and thus making their trips enjoyable. Our guides are all professional, friendly, experienced and at the height of running challenging trips in Tanzania. They moreover are trained in first aid, mechanics, haggling, cocktail making and joke-telling to a high standard. All these, combined with the flexible and friendly approach of the office crew, add up to making your trip an unforgettable, joyful and lifetime success.
KCF crew are selected for their organisational skills, trekking and safaris experience and their high sense of humour and simplicity that, together with many things behind, help ensure that your trip is smoothly carried out from toe to the head, paying attention to the least details. We hardly work to organise your trips and look after everything at every stage of the operations, under a close cooperation with an excellent information and communication in the very flow pattern.
Meet the people making it happen!
There surely are no Great challenges without great people and we are proud of our team that tirelessly makes them happen every now and then.
All the people in our team are selected following their unique ability to inspire, lead and guide groups of people of all ages and from all backgrounds. They moreover all love trekking and safaris but go beyond that, often speaking many languages and thriving on little sleep while remaining energetic! They are endowed with the very ability, experience, skills and courage to turn your dream into a reality and hence make you heroes of your challenge(s).